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World Orthopaedic Concern International (WOC)An international society for orthopaedic education and care in developing countries. WOC is dedicated to improving the standard of orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery in all developing countries—in the tropics, subtropics, and anywhere where there is a need.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 20 May 2016
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West African College of Surgeons (WACS)
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 20 May 2016
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Fracture Liaison Services (Capture the fracture)Fracture Liaison Services, commonly known as FLS, are coordinator-based, secondary fracture prevention services implemented by health care systems for the treatment of osteoporotic patients. The FLS is designed to: Close the care gap for fracture patients, 80% of whom are currently never offered screening and/or treatment for osteoporosis
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Bookmarked by gracedrury on 27 Apr 2017
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