groups » Musculoskeletal Research » What is your experience of treating older children with clubfeet?


  • victorortegadgg victorortegadgg 13 Mar 2023

    We initiated a pilot research in 2015 with colleagues from the University of Oxford and CURE Ethiopia Children's Hospital to look at treatment results for older children with clubfoot. We would love to hear from others who have had similar experiences. <a href="">google</a>

  • there treating clubfoot is no handicap and full compatible with are normal Activite life

  • mohsheil2014 misheil 17 Mar 2017

    normally we use ponseti method for club foot management,but mostly the old child with club foot will need tenotomy and pop casting after that abduction bricesl mostly during the night and the day time the child will use ANKLE FOOT ORTHOSIS OR AFO since the child is walking

  • yuliav89 Yulibeth Aaron 27 Feb 2017

    En los últimos años se ha popularizado el manejo conservador, desarrollado por el Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, como un método eficaz, sencillo, de bajo costo y que produce excelentes resultados, aún mejores que los obtenidos por métodos quirúrgicos, en la gran mayoría de los pacientes. El método Ponseti ha logrado resultados satisfactorios a largo plazo en un 89% de los pies. Este método involucra una serie de manipulaciones suaves y yesos correctivos, que se cambian cada semana. La mayoría de los pacientes pueden corregirse con unos 5-6 yesos. Al lograr la corrección, generalmente se realiza una microcirugía del tendón de Aquiles para alargarlo. Se continúa con yesos hasta que el tendón cicatriza de 2-3 semanas más, y después se inicia el tratamiento con aparatos ortopédicos (zapatos con barra). Para mantener la corrección del pie obtenida con los yesos.

  • timnunn Tim Nunn 17 Dec 2016

    We are extending Ponseti casting to the age of 10. Only 10% Ethiopian CTEV feet will fail though this regime. Above 10, casting is still helpful but bony or soft tissue distraction is needed. Once the foot is mature then Ilizarov with 'V' osteotomy or staged triple seems effective.
    We are really interested to start a dialogue with those who are treating the neglected clubfoot.

  • gracele gracedrury 6 Jun 2016

    We are working with colleagues at University of Oxford and CURE Ethiopia Children's Hospital to look at treatment outcomes for older children with clubfoot, and started a pilot study in 2015. We would be really interested to hear from others with experience in this area.

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